
Why start investing?

Why should we start investing?

Hopefully you have been able to find your way around the website and the social media channels and I have already been able to provide some value to you. However, I can understand that all the information provided on different ways to invest can be quite overwhelming. Don’t worry, everything will become clearer soon. So let’s circle back to the start. Why should we even start investing? In this blog you will learn how to start building wealth while beating inflation and taking advantage of compound interest!

3 Steady Growth ETFs to build your portfolio around

The 3 best ETFs to start building your portfolio!
Are you thinking of starting your investment journey but you can’t figure out where to start? In this blog we will be discussing three well-diversified ETFs which you are able to add to your portfolio as a building block based on your own preferences. If you aren’t completely sure yet what Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are and why we buy them, don’t worry, you can read all about them in the Keys to Investing E-Book!
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