Index Investing E-Book


Are you looking to grow your wealth?

Do you want to start investing but have no idea where to start?

Are you lost in all kinds of “get rich quick” day-trading strategies?

Are you terrified by the thought of having to do your own stock analysis?

Then this is the E-Book for you!


The purchase of this 90 Page E-Book will bring you many things which include:

  • Basic to intermediate understanding of the daunting place called “The stock market”
  • An investing strategy which you can implement straight away, with any amount of money
  • A passive way to reach long-term financial independence, no excessive hours of extra work
  • Information on the resources and platforms you will need to be successful in your investing journey

And much more…..

As the old Chinese proverb says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” This powerful saying counts for everybody in life who wants to progress. Thus, also for the start of your stock market adventure.


Part 1 The Basics

  1. Introduction
  2. Misconceptions about investing
  3. Why start investing?
  4. What to do before you start investing?
  5. How does the stock market work?
  6. What causes stock prices to move?
  7. What kind of strategies can we apply?
  8. How do we pick a broker?
  9. How do we buy a stock?

Part 2 Index Investing

  1. What is Index Investing?
  2. How do we buy ETF’s?
  3. How much money should we invest?
  4. How should we allocate our money?


  • Personal Finance Tips & Tricks
  • Broker Recommendations
  • Book Recommendations
  • ETF Recommendations

*This E-Book is a digital product.

There are no shipping costs associated with this product. By purchasing this E-Book you consent to our Terms & Conditions. These terms describe the fact that after payment, you receive the product directly in your E-mail which grants you lifetime access to the current and all possible future versions. After purchase there is no binding right for refunds. However, if you are not happy with the purchase we can always get in contact and see what we can do for you.


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